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Executive brain fart

Of late I have read many blogs of Indians who in their endeavor to display their knowledge of the human psyche, have achieved nothing but tarnished the global image of Indians. By this I do not state that Indians are seen in divine light internationally. Like any other person from a myriad of nationalities, we Indians have a certain negative and positive attributes when it comes to work culture, living habits etc... These aforementioned self proclaimed intellectuals cater nothing but to reaffirm the misconceptions held by others. Indians have often been portrayed as corrupt, lazy, lacking work ethics and ignorant of the word punctuality. More people associate Indians with 'Indian Standard Time' (which usually means 10 or more minutes later than the stipulated time). I do not wish to answer everything posted online but I wish to send a message to these people to consider the repercussions of their posts.

What is more painful is that young Indians pursuing MBA's and other management degrees are tutored to believe that all Indians are to be associated with the above mentioned attributes. These are the people who will go on to become executives in multinational companies and it would be unfortunate if they carried such notions. I have been away from India for more than a year and I have seen that most people (of other nationality) carry a preconceived notion about Indians which is heavily influenced by such blogs. On this note, I would encourage you to read the blog of a like minded Indian (follow the link below)


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