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To Snow or not Snow

Snow has always been an object of fascination to me. When I was in Mysore (ಮೈಸೂರು) where it seldom snows, I always wondered what snow would be like. The closest I had seen snow was on TV and I used to see these people skiing, making a snowman or having a gala time with a snow ball fight. The point I am trying to make here is that, all that I could associate with snow was 'Fun'!! Over a year ago I was preparing to come over to Cincinnati and I knew that I would be finally seeing some snow and I began fantasizing about all the things I would do...I was very excited and I could almost see myself tubing down a snow covered hill!!

Well, it was a 3 month wait from September to December and there were talks about the first snow of the season in a few days and I was gearing up for it. I got myself a snow jacket (or I thought it was one) which was so bloated that I looked like the Michelin man. I could hardly get my back pack on or even walk along a straight line with the 'Jacket'. The curious looks or the smirk on people's faces when I walked by with the jacket, did not dampen my excitement for snow. Finally the D-day came and it started snowing!! I could hardly contain my excitement. I stepped thinking of all the times I was dreamt of seeing and feeling snow. There was about 3 inches of snow on the ground and I dived into it. It was freezing (no brainer,eh!!) and all my clothing was wet, but I was not done yet. I did a dumpster-lid-slide on the front yard slope, made some snow balls and by that time my hands were numb and I could feel the cold no more. I was concerned about my hands and I decided to call it quits and went in.
The next day walking in the melting slush which was once snow and ice was a wonderful experience. With my shoes which had absolutely no thread, the walk was more like sliding along the path. It took a couple of spills and slides to get to my destination. Again I was covered with slush and dirt, although this time it was unwanted! A few more days and I began to realize that snow is better off on TV. All activity comes to a grinding halt when it snows and it becomes rather gloomy if you are snowed in.
I managed to survive that winter with some more falls and slides. And as the weather progressed from winter to spring to summer I again began to long for some snow (Guess some people never learn!!). This winter when I went to back to Mysore, I suppose I haven't met any one who hasn't asked me about the 'Wonderful snow'!! I got bombarded with questions like, 'So, I've heard that snow is awesome. How was it for you?' and with a smug grin on my face I say 'oh, you have to be there to know it!!'


  1. Nice post. My exact feelings. I wish I was in a place where it never snowed :(

  2. I thought people had gloves on while playing in snow.Perhaps,in the excitement,you made snowballs with bare hands.I guess snow is nice only on open land and not on roads and premises of buildings etc.


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