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Showing posts from August, 2017

It's a dog's world

It's been a long time since I wrote and I have been meaning to write for quite some time now. But the million dollar question was what do I write about?!! So after much contemplation and a whole box of cookies I decided to write about dogs, yes you heard it right "DOGS" or rather dogs at work. Now most of your might be wondering whether I'm referring to my co-workers or even better myself, but let me assure you I am talking about the four legged fur balls often called man's best friend. It so happens that my past-employer has a dog friendly workplace and employees are encouraged to bring their pet pooches to work. Well I did know that this was the case and I was even asked by one of my interviewers whether I was allergic to dogs. Well, luckily I wasn't but I was afraid to disclose that I had a mortal fear of dogs owing to a not so pleasant experience in my childhood! I probably was about 8-9 years old when I was chased by one of those community dogs (again, I