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Showing posts from 2009

The race is not only for the 'Swift'

About 2 months ago I got a four wheeler and this blog is all about my experience with my wonderful car. If I am to do justice in narrating my vehicular experiences, I should start with the story of how I got it. Spring quarter had ended and it was the onset of summer. Most of the desi population was preparing to make a trip to India and I had to start my internship soon. So far so good, but the only catch in this pleasant scenario was that the office was almost 14 miles away from where I lived and public transit options were almost non- existent . A daily cab ride was proving to be heavy on my pockets and I knew I had to fix myself a ride. Thus began my search for a car. My criteria for a car was anything which has 4 operational wheels, moves forward and backward, is fuel efficient and lasts about 6 months. At the moment my brother told me that one of his friends is giving away his vehicle and it was quite old with a mileage which is comparable to Forrest Gump's run. The best par